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Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons for Healthcare Workers

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22 hours


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Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

22 hours

Course Description

Participants from the healthcare industry will be introduced to gender-based violence (GBV), including the global epidemiology of GBV, health outcomes, seminal research, and clinical best practices in GBV prevention, support and management. Lectures that provide context for the content are added to the core curriculum with examples and programs from all over the globe. Learners are introduced to gender-based violence (GBV) from a global perspective. The curriculum also includes a review of Dr. Claudia Garcia-Moreno's new WHO guidelines for responding to violence. Honors Recognition is for students who want to expand on the core material and highlight special programs and circumstances.

This course is in-depth and includes 2 components. 1) The core curriculum presents GBV from a global perspective. It focuses on the need for strong responses by the health sector to GBV. 2) The teaching of key competencies to social workers, doctors, nurses, midwives and community health workers. Students must complete the core content to pass the course. 2) The Honors Curriculum is taught by international experts to help students dig deeper into specific issues and touch on specialized topics and populations. Students who want to earn a Certificate of Achievement with Honors must complete the Honors Curriculum. Students will be able: * Describe the global epidemiology and evidence linking GBV to poor healthcare after taking this course. * Describe the WHO guidelines and challenges for GBV integration within the health sector. * Explain the components of a complete clinical assessment, treatment and management for a GBV survivor. * Explain the proper psychosocial support and management for a GBV survivor. Module 1 - Introduction GBV- Epidemiology & Health Impact GBV can take many forms and have a range of health consequences for survivors. Understanding these issues will help you to plan a multi-sectoral response to GBV prevention and treatment. Module 2 – Health Care Response, Screening and Psychosocial Support. The recognition of the potential health effects of GBV has led many to call for GBV to be addressed within the health sector. GBV survivors need support beyond a clinical exam and assessment. Safety planning, harm reduction and access to psychosocial supports must all be taken into consideration. Module 3 - Care for GBV Survivors - This module focuses on compassionate, confidential and non-discriminatory clinical assessment. It is important to have a competent medical and forensic exam, as well as the appropriate documentation. Honors Module – In-Depth Information & Special Topics This module offers additional materials to those who want to learn more about specialized topics or understand the complexities of gender-based violence. Special populations and programs are also highlighted. Violence against adolescents, sex workers and human trafficking are some of the special topics. Additional information on epidemiology, policy and ethics, as well the use of mHealth for GBV screenings and care, is also provided. We will discuss the unique challenges that GBV research presents and look at programs that encourage both men and women to participate in the prevention and treatment of violence against women. Acknowledgments The course is part of the Johns Hopkins Center for Clinical Global Health Education. We are grateful to the following collaborators: * Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes * International Center for Research on Women's Asia Regional Office * Center on Gender Equity and Health at University of California, San Diego * Division of Global Public Health at University of California, San Diego* World Health Organization * RTI International* Swayam * Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Public Health and Human Rights * Johns Hopkins School of Nursing * Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Population & Reproductive Health

Course Overview


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain

What You Will Learn

Describe the global epidemiology of leading forms of GBV and the evidence linking GBV to poor health

Articulate the challenges, strategies, and WHO guidelines for integrating GBV response within the health sector

Describe the components of a comprehensive clinical assessment, treatment, and management of a GBV survivor

Describe the appropriate psychosocial support and management of a GBV survivor

Course Instructors

Michele Decker, ScD, MPH


Michele R. Decker, ScD, MPH, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. A social epidemiologist ...

Course Reviews

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