Unix Tools: Data, Software and Production Engineering

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Course Features



6 weeks


Delivery Method



Available on

Limited Access



Mobile, Desktop, Laptop












6 hours per week


Teaching Type

Self Paced

Course Description

Processing information is the hallmark of all modern organizations, which are increasingly digital: absorbing, processing and generating information is a key element of their business.
Being able to interact flexibly and efficiently with the underlying data and software systems is an indispensable skill. Knowledge of the Unix shell and its command-line tools boosts the effectiveness and productivity of software developers, IT professionals, and data analysts.

The Unix tools were designed, written, actively used and refined by the team that defined the modern computing landscape. They allow the performance of almost any imaginable computing task quickly and efficiently by judiciously combining key powerful concepts. The power of Unix tools for exploring, prototyping and implementing big data processing workflows, and software engineering tasks remains unmatched. Unix tools, running on hardware ranging from tiny IoT platforms to supercomputers, uniquely allow an interactive, explorative programming style, which is ideal for the efficient solution of many of the engineering and business analytics problems that we face every day.

Through the use of Unix tools:

  • Software developers can quickly explore and modify code, data, and tests.
  • IT professionals can scrutinize log files, network traces, performance figures, filesystems and the behavior of processes.
  • Data analysts can extract, transform, filter, process, load, and summarize huge data sets.

The course is uniquely based on carefully-selected, interactive walk-through examples that demonstrate how each command operates in practice. The examples that we use involve problems that engineers and analysts face every day.

Course Overview


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


An understanding of basic programming structures, such as conditions and loops

An appreciation of variables and their use in simple expressions

The ability to create a text file using an editor

An understanding of the concepts of files, directories and the file system’s tree structure

Access to a computer running Windows, macOS, or a Unix/Linux distribution

What You Will Learn

Enter and combine commands in the Unix command line

Use files, data pipelines, variables and control structures

Select the most useful tools and commands for fetching, selecting, generating, processing, summarizing and reporting data

Obtain data from databases, cloud-based hosts, version control systems, object files, archives and your desktop files

Accomplish diverse processing tasks by putting together suitable commands and configuring their execution parameters

Course Instructors

Author Image

Diomidis Spinellis

Professor of Software Analytics at TU Delft

Diomidis Spinellis is a Professor of Software Engineering in the Department of Management Science and Technology at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece and a visiting professor in...
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