Information Technology
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Hands On Training
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Computer Science

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Course Features



22.32 hours


Delivery Method



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Limited Access



Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

22.32 hours

Course Description

These Computer Science Video lectures provide a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts of computer science and their impact on various fields such as science, engineering, and commerce. The lectures cover various topics, including programming basics, algorithms, data structures, theory, and machine architecture. While programming is a crucial skill for professionals in the field, these lectures emphasize that computer science is much more than just programming. The series aims to teach the fundamental concepts of computer science that can serve as a foundation for further study in some of the most important scientific ideas developed in the past century.

In today's world, education has evolved from focusing on "reading, writing, and arithmetic" to "reading, writing, and computing." Programming has become an essential skill not only for programmers and engineers but also for artists, scientists, humanists, and other creative individuals. These lectures aim to teach programming in a scientific context, highlighting its relevance and applicability across various disciplines.

The video series is designed to provide an overview of computer science and information technology courses. It covers the basics of computer science and engineering courses, offering insight into what students can expect from these programs. Whether someone is interested in pursuing a career in computer science or wants to understand the subject better, these lectures offer a valuable resource.

By providing a solid foundation in computer science concepts, these lectures enable learners to delve deeper into the most important scientific ideas of the past century. Whether one's goal is to become a programmer or to leverage computer science knowledge in their respective fields, this series offers a comprehensive introduction to the subject.

Course Overview


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


No computing experience or programming knowledge is required to understand the content of these lectures

What You Will Learn

Basic elements, including variables, assignment statements, built-in types of data, conditionals and loops, arrays, and I/O, including graphics and sound

Functions and modules, stressing the fundamental idea of dividing a program into components that can be independently debugged, maintained, and reused

Object-oriented programming, centered on an introduction to data abstraction

Applications,drawing examples from applied mathematics, the physical and biological sciences, and computer science itself

Algorithms and data structures, emphasizing the use of the scientific method to understand performance characteristics of implementations

Theory of computing, which helps us address basic questions about computation, using simple abstract models of computers

Machine architecture, providing a link between the abstract machines of the theory of computing and the real computers that we use

Historical context, including the fascinating story of the development and application of fundamental ideas about computation by Alan Turing, John von Neumann, and many others

Target Students

Students in introductory CS and programming courses

Programmers trained in older languages who want to know Java

Scientists and engineers who find themselves engaged in computation but never had a computer science course and want to learn to program

Anyone interested in obtaining a fundamental understanding of computing

Course Instructors

Author Image

Robert Sedgewick


Robert Sedgewick is the instructor for this course

Course Reviews

Average Rating Based on 6 reviews




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