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Git and GitHub Essentials by Eduonix

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7 hours


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Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Self Paced


Video Content

7 hours

Course Description

Version control is one of the most important aspects of creating an app, website or web app. In Software development, there are often multiple versions that are created, with one being better than the previous one. However, sometimes the newer version might not work the way you want it to be, in which case it is important to be able to track your changes and backtrack to what you were previously doing. This is where Git and Github can help! So, what exactly is Git?Git is a version control system that tracks changes in computer files and is commonly used in software development to keep track of changes between the different coding files. In case the new code breaks something, Git can be used to access the file before the change was made and restore the previous file until the new code is fixed. It can also help keep track of who made the last modification.And Github?
Github is a version control repository that adds to Git distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality with Its own features such as collaboration, feature requests, bug tracking, wikis and even task management. Github allows people in the industry to help you solve bugs and kinks out of your code, as well as add to the coding if you wish for them to help. Sounds like an amazing technology to learn, but you haven't had time or the resource to learn it yet? Well than, here is your savior!Our comprehensive course has been designed with experts from the industry to create a complete beginners course for understanding Git and Github. In this course, you will become familiar with Git and Its different functions including how you can use Git as more than just a simple collaboration tool.Using Linux as an example system and HTML as the main programming language, this course will guide you through the rough seas of Git and Github, helping you learn how you can master these brilliant technologies and use it to simplify your programming life.No more writing and rewriting codes to fix your error, simply restore the previous change and fix your code. Enroll now and let's learn how to write the best code possible.

Course Overview


International Faculty


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Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


Prerequisites are not available for this course

What You Will Learn

An introduction of Git and Github, including how to install Git on your Linux system

First steps with Git

How to start working with remote repositories

Understand how to work with different files

How to revisit the history, branching and recovering from failures

How can you customize Git to get the most out of it, including working with submodules

A detailed introduction to Github

How to host your own Github repository

Understanding and working with best practices

Target Students

If you have no prior experience with Git and Github, do not worry! This course assumes that you have no prior experience with Git and Github However, you are expected to have a basic idea of Linux and its command line

Course Instructors

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Eduonix Learning Solutions


Eduonix creates and distributes high quality technology training content. Our team of industry professionals have been training manpower for more than a decade. We aim to teach technology the way it ...
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