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Big Data Hadoop - The Complete Course

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Course Report - Big Data Hadoop - The Complete Course

Course Report

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Course Features



100 hours


Delivery Method



Available on

Limited Access



Desktop, Laptop











Teaching Type

Instructor Paced


Video Content

100 hours

Course Description

This course will introduce you to machine learning methods for analysing, exploring, and leveraging data. This course will teach you how to create data-driven machine learning models, scale them up for large data problems, and the methods and tools that are available to do so. Big Data is a term that refers to an industry that uses a variety of technologies to process large amounts of data. Big Data is changing marketing and business. It also helps us understand our social world better.

You will gain a deep understanding of the big data tools and systems through DtaTrained's course. You don't need to have programming experience. The fundamentals of Hadoop will be covered, including Spark, Spark, Pig and Hive. Follow the code to learn how to perform predictive modelling and use graph analysis to model problems.




Career Impact

Top 5 Percentile


Course Credibility

Top 1 Percentile




Course Credibility

Delivered through DataTrained a renowned institution in the field, this course offers a comprehensive learning experience.


Career Impact

This course is exceptional, ranking among the top 5 percentile in Big Data Platforms for its significant career impact and excellent job assistance. Learners benefit from valuable career opportunities and support, enabling them to secure relevant positions and excel in the industry. The course's dual focus on career impact and job assistance enhances its value, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking to advance their careers and succeed in the Big Data Platforms field.

Course Overview


Live Class


Job Assistance


Human Interaction


International Faculty


Case Based Learning


Post Course Interactions


Case Studies,Hands-On Training,Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain

What You Will Learn

Be proficient with Hadoop, HDFS, Map Reduce, Sqoop, Impala, Apache Pig, Spark, Hive and ZooKeeper, Kafka, Cassandra and Hbase, Bigdata in the cloud (AWS), etc

Understand Big Data Hadoop concepts

Storing data using HDFS, concepts of blocks and replication in HDFS

Concepts related to storing and processing of data in a distributive manner

Learn Mapreduce framework working for processing of data

Use Sqoop to transfer data from various relational databases to HDFS

Learn Pig that enables data workers to write complex data transformations

How Zookeeper manages clusters in distributive systems

Have insight learning of dealing with structured data using Hive and Impala

Use of Spark for various applications using RDD's, Dataframes and Dataset API's

Using Spark with SQL

NoSQL databases like Hbase

Gain Real-world skills required for the job in any IT company

Learn Hadoop ecosystem required to deal with real-world problems

Target Students


This Course is for those who are interested in becoming familiar with the concept of big data

Course Instructors

Author Image

Dr. Deepika Sharma

Training Head, Datatrained

Research Scientist with a PhD in computer science and 10+ years of hands-on experience.
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Asma Desai

Developer, IBM

Asma Desai just recently started with IBM. She has developed course content for introductory Java and graph theory. Prior to course development, she worked as a consultant using Big Data to fight fraud.
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Aaron Ritchie

Information Management, IBM

Aaron Ritchie has worked in the Information Management division of IBM for over 8 years and has held a variety of roles within the Center of Excellence and Education groups. Aaron has worked as an IT...
Author Image

Daniel Tran

Technical Curriculum Developer, IBM

Daniel Tran is an IBM Co-op Student working as a Technical Curriculum Developer in Toronto, Ontario. He develops courses to improve the education of customers who seek knowledge in the Big Data field.

Corporate Sponsors

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