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Hands On Training
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Equality and Participation in Technology Development

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Course Features



9 weeks


Delivery Method



Available on

Lifetime Access



Mobile, Desktop












4 hours per week


Teaching Type

Self Paced

Course Description

This Expert Track allows you to meet with industry leaders and gain the practical and critical tools to advocate for more equitable technology.

After you have completed the three courses, you will be able use the tools that you've learned to promote equality in your local community. You'll be able to advocate for technology development and implement it, regardless of whether you are in marketing or recruitment user research.

This course will explore the ways technology can reproduce gender stereotypes and inequalities in society. It also explains how you can combat this. The course will cover a variety of inclusive design methods, from research and development to testing the implementation and hearing the voices of amazing advocates for gender equality.

This course will take you on a journey through historical examples of racism in tech to current examples of technology that promotes anti-racism. This course will teach you how to consider race in every step of the process, from user research and recruiting to the implementation of a product to launch it.

This second course will teach you about diverse innovation and how it can benefit society and the economy. Learn how to foster diverse cultures at work and how to increase the voices of those who aren't represented.

This ExpertTrack was created by The Creative Computing Institute with the support of a number top experts. These important topics will be discussed with Charlene Hunter, CEO of Coding Black Females Mark Martin MBE cofounder of UK Black Tech, and Andrew Mallinson cofounder of Feminist Internet.

After completing this ExpertTrack, you will be able advocate for anti-racism diversity innovation and gender inclusion in technology development. You will also be able use the techniques and tools you have learned in your personal and professional life, regardless of what industry you are in.

Course Overview


Alumni Network


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


This ExpertTrack is designed for anyone interested in creating or advocating for gender inclusive and anti-racist technologies, and diverse innovation

You may also be interested if you're in or are thinking about a career that is touched by technology, and want to ensure that your work promotes equality

You dont need any coding skills for this course

What You Will Learn

Summarise key elements of gender-inclusive design

Apply gender-inclusive design processes in your own context

Critique forms of racism within technology

Practice anti-racist approaches to technology in your own context

Debate different approaches to diverse innovation

Develop ways to support diverse innovation in your own context

Target Students

This is a practical ExpertTrack and the application of the skills you'll learn are applicable in a wide range of professional contexts

From computer science to social media marketing, creative entrepreneurship to journalism

If the promotion of equality matters to you or your organisation

If you want to ensure you can create or advocate for technologies that bring about fairer and more inclusive communities, businesses, and products

Course Instructors

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Andrew Mallinson


Hello, I'm Andrew. I'm an artist and writer and co-founder of Feminist Internet, an organisation working to tackle internet inequalities.
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Charlene Hunter


Charlene is the founder and CEO of Coding Black Females, a non profit organisation to inspire, provide opportunities, and showcase the talents of black women in tech.
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Mark Martin


Mark Martin aka @Urban_Teacher is an Advanced Skills Teacher in Education and Computer Science. He is a teacher/advisor for the major global tech brands and continues to advocate for home-grown talent
Course Cover