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Management of Change: Organisation Development and Design

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Course Features



12 weeks


Delivery Method



Available on

Lifetime Access



Mobile, Desktop











Teaching Type

Instructor Paced

Course Description

The workplace is changing. It is becoming increasingly digitalized. You and your organization must have the tools skills and understanding necessary to manage and lead organizational development.

An introduction to organisational development, the impact of AI (AI), and how it affects you will help you design and implement a people-centred strategy to change.

As AI automation and digitalisation transform the way we work, as well as how our workforce looks, organisations are under tremendous pressure to keep up with the competition.

This microcredential will help you develop analytical skills that will allow you to harness the potential of technology in an era where digital disruption continues to transform industries.

You will learn how important it is to be active in reorganizing and instilling resilience, agility and cohesion in your team and wider organization.

Experts from The Open University will discuss current work practices and how AI in a digital age will require us adapt to new ways to work.

We'll discuss the impact of radical change on organizations such as the COVID-19 Pandemic, and how to minimize negative consequences.

Additionally, you will gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between organisational change and organisational development and efficiency from both an individual and broader strategic perspective.

You can develop your social intelligence, cognitive and emotional intelligence by using a human-centred design approach.

Design thinking is a method for solving creative problems. This requires that you adopt a human-centred approach for innovation to transform how you create products, services, and organisations.

You'll be able to benefit from real-world experiences of professionals in a variety of sectors and disciplines who have successfully adopted holistic design thinking principles to understand the needs and wants of customers and users.

The newly created Design Thinking Toolkit will be used throughout the course to help you develop and implement practical solutions to issues and problems. This will allow your organization to withstand periods of major change and digital disruption.

Course Overview


Live Class


Alumni Network


International Faculty


Case Based Learning


Post Course Interactions


Case Studies,Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


A Bachelors degree or an equivalent level qualification

Experience of working in a professional or managerial role

A strong interest in human centred organisational development and design

What You Will Learn

Reflect on and develop your own capacity for management and leadership within disruptive contexts

Understand and analyse assumptions critically within the development of organisation design and development in order to develop a greater resilience in the face of disruptive change

Take a critical perspective on the impact of disruptive change with a focus on artificial intelligence, within organisation design

Demonstrate a critical and ethical awareness of how change impacts individuals, organisations and society and how your actions as a manager can support this

Understand the relationship between organisational change, redesign, and organisational development and effectiveness

Understand how disruptive contexts impact future work skill requirements and how this needs to be incorporated in organisation development

Understand management of change and critically apply techniques that can be used to help an organisation achieve its desired future state

Demonstrate the following skills: critical analysis; engaging with knowledge in the field of organisation design, ethical awareness

Target Students

This microcredential is designed for professionals, managers or leaders, or those who aspire to move into management roles.

Professionals working in roles that involve driving human centred organisational development and change

Professionals working in rapidly changing industries where digital developments and artificial intelligence is changing the way we work

The course has a global focus and is relevant for learners around the world it delivers transferable skills relevant for diverse sectors and roles

Course Instructors

Author Image

Hilary Collins


Hilary is a senior lecturer in executive education with research interests in the economic and cultural role of the creative industries. She researches academic identity and the future of work.
Course Cover