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Online Teaching: Evaluating and Improving Courses

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Course Features



12 weeks


Delivery Method



Available on

Lifetime Access



Mobile, Desktop












13 hours per week


Teaching Type

Instructor Paced

Course Description

This microcredential, which lasts 12 weeks, will give you the skills to assess and improve your online courses.

This microcredential is for individuals who are educators, trainers, and learning institutions. It will help you ensure that your online courses and technology enhanced learning (TEL) offerings continue to be successful regardless of your sector.

While technology isn't new, the COVID-19 pandemic saw individuals and organisations move courses and teaching online at an unprecedented rate. Some implementations have been so rapid that there is no evidence to support it.

Variations of the lockdown strategy will likely continue for some time. However, technology-enhanced learning is more in-demand than ever.

This course will help you create an ethical course evaluation framework, analyze cause and effect relationships in the findings, share relevant insights with stakeholders, and ultimately increase the impact of your online classes.

You can minimize the long-term effects of COVID-19 and its impact on student learning by identifying the best ways to make online learning and assessment work.

This microcredential will allow you to identify the factors that limit or enhance your teaching, and help you use these insights to improve your online teaching.

As part of your learning journey, you'll be encouraged not only to use the skills and knowledge that you have acquired but also to learn from your peers.

This course was developed by The Open University's leading online and distant education experts. You will learn how to recognize what's working and why, using the best educational evaluation techniques.

Learn how to make an ethical evaluation strategy for your setting. You will also learn how to analyze your findings to help you adapt your online course design.

Global online learning is expected to reach $325 billion by 2025. Blended learning and COVID-19 social distancing are driving online education. This means that online learning is becoming more commonplace, as well as being integrated into traditional teaching methods.

Teachers have to be able to assess the effectiveness of online courses.

This course will benefit you if you have taught in an adult learning environment. This microcredential is for you if you are thinking of moving your teaching online.

Course Overview


Live Class


Alumni Network


International Faculty


Post Course Interactions


Instructor-Moderated Discussions

Skills You Will Gain


A Bachelors degree or an equivalent level qualification

Experience working in education

A strong interest in teaching and learning

All teaching is in English. If English is not your first language, we recommend you can achieve an IELTS score of at least seven

What You Will Learn

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the reasons for evaluating teaching

Draw on key theories to identify and assess a range of evaluation approaches and frameworks and their appropriateness for specific settings

Design evaluation strategies that are suitable for your technology-enhanced learning (TEL), and which meet the needs of diverse stakeholders

Show understanding of the ethical considerations involved in educational evaluation and how they can be managed

Share knowledge of how evaluation findings can be disseminated to meet diverse stakeholders needs

Designing course evaluation strategies

Using an evaluation framework

Teaching online

Online course evaluation design

Technology-enhanced learning

Learning design

Evaluation findings analysis

Stakeholder management

Managing ethical considerations

Teaching evaluation approaches

Selecting data collection methods

Target Students

This microcredential will help institutions and individuals evaluate the effectiveness of their online teaching and, ultimately, build upon and improve their online courses

It will be particularly relevant if youve recently started teaching remotely as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

The microcredential will benefit the career of those working or looking to work in universities, colleges or wider adult learning settings

Teachers and Trainers

Learning designers

Educational technologists

Heads of department

Institution leaders

Course Instructors

Dr Leigh-Anne Perryman (she/her)


Dr Leigh-Anne Perryman leads The Open Universitys Online and Distance Education programme. Her research explores the relationship between equity, social justice, online teaching and open pedagogies.
Author Image

Rebecca Ferguson


I'm a professor at The Open University, focused on educational futures, learning analytics, MOOCs, innovating pedagogy & online social learning.
Author Image

Martin Weller


I am Professor of Educational Technology at the OU. My interests are in digital scholarship, open education, OER and MOOCs.
Course Cover