Data Analysis with Excel for Complete Beginners


Learn Path Description

An introduction to the fundamentals of data analysis using Excel.Data analysis skills are in increasing demand across a huge range of industries, but if maths is not your strong suit, it can be a daunting thing to learn. This ExpertTrack has been designed with exactly that in mind. It is a complete beginner’s guide to the subject, covering the basics of data analytics, maths, and Excel fundamentals to refresh your memory and build your confidence in these areas. You’ll explore: data in life and society ways to build your data literacy data analysis methods how to create tables and pivot tables in Excel how to create data visualizations in Excel the maths behind data analysis how to apply basic inferential maths to your data sets. Every course within this ExpertTrack is self-paced, allowing you to review the course content as quickly or as slowly as you’d like. Brush up on your mathematics before delving into data analysis Data analysis involves applying maths - whether it’s statistics or simple formula - to data sets. This ExpertTrack offers you the chance to refresh your maths knowledge before you get started so that you feel confident in mathematical notation, applying summary statistics, and calculating business metrics as you proceed through the courses. Learn how to use Excel functions for data analysis Microsoft Excel is one of the top tools for data analysis and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular analytic tool. You will learn how to perform data analysis using Excel’s most popular features, including how to create pivot tables from a range with rows and columns in Excel. You will see the power of Excel pivots in action and their ability to summarize data in flexible ways, enabling quick exploration of data and producing valuable insights from the accumulated data. Grow your data analysis skills Once you’ve covered the maths behind data analytics and the Excel functions to support it, you’ll be able to grow your analytics skills more directly. This involves creating flexible data aggregations and representing data visually. Before long, you’ll be able to calculate margins and other calculations, as well as filtering data and creating reports using simple Excel formulas. Feel confident making data-driven decisions All of this works towards offering you more control and confidence in your data. You’ll be able to apply your new-found skills in both decision making and problem solving at work. You can even use this as a pathway into more specialized training in data analysis. 

Skills You Will Gain

Courses In This Learning Path


Total Duration

3 weeks





Learn Type


Introduction to Data Analysis using Excel for Absolute Beginners

Although data analysis skills are highly sought after, it can be difficult to develop if you don’t have a solid foundation in maths and data literacy. This course is for all ages and provides a solid introduction into data concepts and structures.

From basic data literacy to data analysis and understanding data environments at work and in everyday life, you'll begin to gain a foundational knowledge about data. Then you'll be able to understand what "telling stories with data" actually means and how it can be done.

This course can be used to start your journey to becoming a data analyst. Or you can use it as a way to learn more about data literacy so you can understand how businesses use data and why that might be a problem.

We'll refer to additional courses and learning pathways throughout the course that you can follow to further your data knowledge journey. After completing this course, your confidence and skills will allow you to build on the core concepts.

Microsoft has granted accreditation to this course


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


How to Use Microsoft Excel for Data Analysis

The growing reliance on digital technology in various industries has led to an increased demand for data analytics skills. Employers are seeking individuals who can analyze and interpret big data to drive informed decision-making. The global market for data analysts is expected to expand by 30% between 2020 and 2023, offering numerous opportunities for professionals in this field.

To excel in the data analytics industry, it is crucial to master Microsoft Excel and data analytics techniques. This course focuses on teaching participants how to create pivot tables in Excel, a powerful feature that enables efficient data exploration and extraction of valuable insights. Additionally, participants will learn how to utilize Excel formulas to combine data and generate reports that can be used across various business functions.

In order to ensure accuracy and identify anomalies in the data, participants will also acquire skills in detecting reporting errors. The course further emphasizes the importance of effectively presenting analyzed data to stakeholders. Participants will be taught how to create visualizations and charts that enhance the impact of their data analysis.

An added advantage of this course is the provision of a lab environment featuring the latest Microsoft Excel applications and tools. Powered by CloudSwyft, this lab environment allows participants to complete exercises and engage in various activities that enhance their learning experience.

Overall, this comprehensive course equips individuals with the necessary skills to thrive as data analysts. By mastering Microsoft Excel and implementing data analytics techniques, participants can secure lucrative positions in this rapidly growing industry.


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


Data Visualisation Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners

Data visualizations are a constant reminder that a picture can speak a thousand words. As businesses struggle to convert their data into usable, digestible insights, it is highly desirable to be able to translate data insights into visual language.

This course will teach you how to transform your data into a story that is understood by all employees. Learn how to use visual design elements - line shape, form, negative space, volume value, colour, texture, colour, and color - to create meaningful imagery you can share with customers, stakeholders, and colleagues.

Instead of focusing on chart types and ideas, this course will help you to understand visual literacy and to be able to channel your instinctive reactions to images into stories.

Visual literacy is the ability to analyze illustrations and data visualisations once you have a basic understanding of it. This will help you to improve your visualisations, and allow you to use the visualisations you see for inspiration and ideas.

Next, you will create data visualizations for your company. You'll now be able to understand the basics of creating effective visualizations and how to combine design elements and insights into presentations that have real impact.

Microsoft has granted accreditation to this course


Total Duration

3 weeks





Learn Type


Essential Mathematics for Data Analysis in Microsoft Excel

This course on data analytics focuses on the mathematical aspects that are essential for understanding and analyzing data. It covers topics such as statistics, mathematical inference, and formulas. The course is suitable for beginners or those who want to refresh their knowledge of data analytics. Participants will learn how to create statistical predictions and summary statistics to analyze data from any field. They will also gain an understanding of mathematical notations, expressions, and Excel formulas for simple calculations. The course emphasizes the application of statistical methods and formulas to analyze and interpret data.

Additionally, participants will learn how to use their data to forecast future trends. They will explore inferential math to calculate business metrics and key performance indicators, enabling them to derive real business value from their data sets. This course is accredited by Microsoft, making it a reputable and trusted resource for those looking to enhance their skills in data analytics using Microsoft Excel.

Overall, this course offers a comprehensive and practical approach to understanding the fundamental math behind data analytics. It equips participants with the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively analyze and interpret data, ultimately helping them make informed decisions and drive business success.
