Entity Framework 6


Learn Path Description

Entity Framework (EF) is Microsoft's Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for the .NET framework that allows you to rapidly create a data access layer for your applications. This skill path covers EF 6, which is a mature and stable version of Entity Framework that runs on the full .NET Framework. This skill path takes you through getting started with EF 6 to advanced features. It also covers how to use EF Migrations to create and populate your databases as well as how to test your Entity Framework applications.

Skills You Will Gain

Courses In This Learning Path


Total Duration

2.36 hours





Learn Type


Getting Started with Entity Framework 6

This is the best place to begin if you're new to Entity Framework Microsoft's framework to integrate data access into your.NET apps. This will give you an overview of:


Total Duration

6.09 hours





Learn Type


Advanced Entity Framework 6: The Ninja Features

Entity Framework 6 introduced major improvements to EF, allowing developers to integrate data access with advanced software practices. This version was the first to be made open-source. It also benefited from extensive developer input. Many popular features such as code first's stored procedure mappings, Async/Await support when executing queries or commands, easier patterns for unit testing and built-in database logging capabilities were some of the most requested enhancements. EF6 can also be extended by custom Migrations and custom mapping conventions. The introduction of Dependency Injection patterns allows for low-level DbContext configuration. The EF6 also has new properties and methods that allow for simpler and more intelligent coding patterns. This course will cover many advanced features of EF6. It will help you to understand how they work, what you can do with them, and the potential pitfalls. This course will give you a thorough overview of EF6 and Entity Framework. It will also help you to fully benefit from the Ninja power added to this version.


Total Duration

281 minutes





Learn Type


Entity Framework 6 in the Enterprise

Are you frustrated by the introductory lessons about Entity Framework? Do you feel like you have reached the end of your practical implementations of Entity Framework in real-world business solutions? This course, Entity Framework 6 Enterprise, will teach you advanced patterns to incorporate Entity Framework into enterprise-level architecture. You'll first learn how to encapsulate your EF logic. Then, you will choose the one that best suits your needs based on your goals. Next, you'll learn how to align your EF codes with the many benefits of Domain-Driven design in your software. This includes breaking down data models for Bounded Contexts to persistently-controlled aggregates. EF6 introduces test mock support, which makes it easier to test code without touching the database. Additionally, you'll learn how to mock a variety EF database interactions that can be triggered by your business logic. This advanced Entity Framework course will help you not only understand how EF is used in real-world software but also give you some knowledge about software architecture. Software requirements: Visual Studio 2013 and higher, Entity Framework 6 and higher.


Total Duration

1.51 hour





Learn Type


Entity Framework Migrations for Large Teams

Entity Framework (EF), is the preferred method to access a SQL database within an enterprise application. EF migrations ensure that the schema of the database is in sync with the application. However, EF migrations can be complicated when used collaboratively by teams. This course, Entity Framework Migrating Large Teams, will teach you how to use EF migrations with Git or TFS source control. You'll first learn how to use Entity Framework Migrants with Git and TFS version control. Next, you will learn how to manage complex and simple database changes. You'll also learn how to identify and solve migration problems. This course will teach you all the techniques necessary to improve your collaboration with your team.


Total Duration

2.21 hours





Learn Type


Integration Testing of Entity Framework Applications

A good integration test suite will make you a valuable asset. This course will teach you how to integrate Entity Framework applications. To start, you will set up Continuous Integration Server to rebuild a database. Next, all integration tests will be run on each checkin. You'll then keep your tests readable and flexible to new changes so they can help you implement new features, rather than hindering you. You'll also learn how to balance integration and unit tests so you can use the best technique for every situation. You'll learn that quality testing suites can increase quality and velocity.


Total Duration

2.52 hours





Learn Type


Code-first Entity Framework with Legacy Databases

EDMX support is vanishing so it's more important to code-first approaches as EF7 approaches. Generators can be rigid and do not allow for flexibility in the way that code is generated. This course Code-first Entity Framework and Legacy Databases will use the "Entity-Framework REverse POCO Generator", which is a free visual studio tool available at www.ReversePoco.com. The generator is customizable and produces the same code as if you had to hand-code it. This course will explain what each setting does to the code generated. You'll also learn how you can create separate data and model projects as well as how to create repositories and unit tests. You will be able generate flexible code to meet your needs by the end of this course.
