IOS App Development — Fundamentals


Learn Path Description

Learn to build iOS apps for iPhone and iPad.

Skills You Will Gain

Courses In This Learning Path


Total Duration

84 minutes





Learn Type


IOS App Development: The Big Picture

It can be difficult to understand the basic architectural patterns, design principles and techniques required to create iOS apps. This course, iOS App Development The Big Picture, will teach you how to create better iOS apps with Swift. You'll first explore Apple's Xcode IDE, and then discuss the key iOS concepts. Next, you will discover the power and flexibility of adaptive iOS interfaces. You'll also learn how to use Swift and powerful architectural patterns in order to take your game to the next level.This course will give you a solid understanding of how to create iOS apps.


Total Duration

3.47 hours





Learn Type


Swift Fundamentals by Pluralsight

Swift is the foundation of any Apple platform iOS, macOS or tvOS development. Swift Fundamentals will teach you how to use this powerful and concise language. This course will teach you how the language interacts with data and how closures and extensions work. Finally, you will be able to learn how to adopt protocol-oriented programming to access the vast amount of functionality in Swift. This course will give you a solid foundation in Swift, which will be a great help as you develop apps for iPhone, iPad, and Mac.


Total Duration

4.48 hours





Learn Type


IOS 14 Getting Started

It is an important skill that is highly sought after. However, if you don't have any experience in iOS development, it can be quite different. This course, iOS 14 Getting Started will help you quickly learn SwiftUI and Swift5 to create great iOS apps. You'll first see the tools and then learn how to make iOS apps that adapt to different devices.


Total Duration

2.34 hours





Learn Type


Becoming an Xcode Power User

The course "Becoming a Xcode Power User" is designed to help iOS developers become more efficient and productive when working with Xcode. It covers both basic concepts and more advanced features of Xcode. By mastering these features, developers can create their ideal workflow and increase productivity.

The course starts by introducing the basic concepts of Xcode, allowing learners to gain a solid foundation. Then, it delves into the various features that can enhance productivity, such as opening quickly, code folding, and refactoring. These features enable developers to navigate and manipulate code more effectively.

One key aspect covered in the course is the integration of Git and Xcode. This allows developers to seamlessly work with version control while using Xcode as their primary development environment. By understanding how to use Git within Xcode, developers can streamline their workflow and collaborate more efficiently.

Furthermore, the course teaches learners how to configure and customize their workflow with custom behaviors, code fragments, and custom themes. This level of customization empowers developers to tailor Xcode to their specific needs and preferences, further increasing productivity.

Overall, "Becoming a Xcode Power User" is a comprehensive course that equips iOS developers with the knowledge and skills to use Xcode effectively. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will help you optimize your workflow and create exceptional iOS apps.


Total Duration

1.24 hour





Learn Type


IOS Debugging Fundamentals

There will always be bugs. If you want to build apps that are safe and secure, it is essential to learn how to eliminate bugs. This course, iOS Debugging Fundamentals will teach you how to use the fundamental tools Xcode offers you to find and fix flaws in your apps. You will first learn how to approach debugging situations using a set principles for strategic problem solving. Next, you'll learn how to set breakpoints and inspect view hierarchies. You will also learn how to interpret a backtrace and extract valuable information from the Xcode console and debug area. Finally, you'll be able to locate code changes and simulate what might happen in the real world. This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to strategize and methodically identify possible causes of defects you encounter at runtime.


Total Duration

1.08 hour





Learn Type


IOS Data Persistence: The Big Picture

There are many data persistence options available on iOS. This course, iOS Data Persistence The Big Picture, will teach you how to simplify a lot of information into the main picture options for saving data on iOS. As you start to explore the data persistence landscape, you'll first learn about the reasons why data is important. Next, I will show you how to use technology like Property Lists and User Defaults. Finally, I will explain how to work with Swift’s Encodable or Decodable protocols. If you decide to use SQLite Core Data or Realm Database for local persistence, you will know what you are getting into. It will be easy to access remote data storage options like CloudKit or Realm Platform. Finally, you'll get a clear understanding of how it feels to create a document-based app and integrate your app data with the iOS Files. You will be able to make informed decisions about the data storage plan that you want for your iOS app once you have completed this course.


Total Duration

146 minutes





Learn Type


IOS Collection Views: Getting Started

Are you looking to create visually appealing collection views for your iOS apps? If so, the iOS Collection Views Getting Started course is perfect for you. This course offers various methods to help you create stunning collection views without the complexity.

The course begins by teaching you how to display your first collection view using just two functions. You'll learn the fundamentals of setting up and presenting your data in a collection view format.

Next, the course covers layout and spacing techniques to ensure your collection views look great on any device. You'll discover how to create visually pleasing designs that adapt to different screen sizes, providing a seamless user experience.

Finally, the course dives into implementing horizontally-scrolling collection views. This feature allows users to scroll through multiple collections horizontally, providing an interactive and engaging experience.

By the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge and skills to implement beautiful collection views in your iOS apps. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience in iOS development, this course will equip you with the tools needed to showcase your data aesthetically pleasingly.

So, if you're ready to enhance your iOS apps with stunning collection views, enroll in the iOS Collection Views Getting Started course today!


Total Duration

195 minutes





Learn Type


Building iOS User Interfaces with SwiftUI

It is crucial to design efficient and dynamic iOS apps if you want to improve your iOS development skills. This course, Building iOS user interfaces with SwiftUI, will help you to expand your knowledge about iOS development. Next, you will learn how to manage user input and keep your user interface in line with their interactions. Next, you will learn how to make your app more interactive by using custom drawings, animations, and responding to gestures. You'll also learn how SwiftUI works with other Apple frameworks, such as UIKit. This course will teach you the essential ideas and techniques to create apps with SwiftUI that will captivate your users.


Total Duration

90 minutes





Learn Type


IOS Networking with REST APIs

One of the most important features that an iOS app can offer is its ability to gather, interpret, and display data. This course, iOS Networking using REST APIs, will teach you how to tap into web services data efficiently and transform it into useful data models. You'll first learn about RESTful web services and how Swift handles networking. Next, you will learn how to make data requests and deal with the background thread. Finally, you'll be able to gracefully handle errors or feedback. You'll also have hands-on experience with converting data into usable objects which can be displayed to users. After completing this course, your knowledge will allow you to use Swift and iOS REST APIs to deliver the data that users require.


Total Duration

2 hours





Learn Type


Testing Fundamentals in iOS

Code is always changing. New features are constantly being added and bug reports are filed. You can be productive by using tests to ensure that your application is reliable. This course, Testing Fundamentals for iOS, will teach you how to test effectively in iOS. You'll first learn how to set up test targets. Next, you will learn how to create unit, integration, and UI test. You'll also learn how to mock and test asynchronous code. This course will teach you the best practices for writing testable code and how to get code coverage. You'll also learn how to parallelize and randomize your tests.


Total Duration

210 minutes





Learn Type


CloudKit Fundamentals

CloudKit is the key to creating seamless, collaborative data sharing experiences for Apple's platforms. CloudKit Fundamentals will teach you how to use Apple's flagship framework for remote data storage and data sharing. You'll first learn how to set up CloudKit in Xcode and how to update, save, query, modify, and delete the data your users have stored in iCloud. Next, we'll show you how to sync data between users' devices. You'll also learn how to deal with CloudKit errors and test your app on real devices before deploying to production. This course will give you a solid foundation in CloudKit and help you create a fluid data sharing experience.


Total Duration

278 minutes





Learn Type


Core Data Fundamentals with Swift

It is essential to manage data when building mobile apps. It is not possible to avoid the need to save data on a user's device. Core Data is a powerful tool that can help you solve data persistence problems for any app, regardless of how small or large. Core Data Fundamentals with Swift will teach you how to create and maintain an app using Core Data. You'll first learn how to create a Data Model and how to access, save, and delete data. Next, we'll show you how to keep your user interface in sync and with the persistent store data as users interact with your application. You'll also learn how to make changes to your data model even after your app has been published to the App store. This course will give you the knowledge you need to use Core Data in your apps.


Total Duration

82 minutes





Learn Type


Objective-C 2 for Swift Developers

A solid understanding of Objective-C's rich library and frameworks is essential to developing for Apple platforms. Objective-C for Swift developers will teach you how to understand and write Objective-C code. You'll first learn the syntax of Objective-C. Next, you will learn about classes and the dynamic runtime. You'll also learn how to interoperate between Objective-C code and Swift code. This course will give you a solid foundation in Objective-C, which will be useful as you develop applications for iOS, macOS and watchOS.


Total Duration

141 minutes





Learn Type


Getting Started with Server-side Swift and Vapor

Vapor is a Server-side Swift framework that allows you to build web applications. This course, Getting Started With Server-side Swift & Vapor, will teach you everything you need to get started building web apps with Vapor. You'll first set up your development environment and learn the basics of building Vapor apps on Linux and macOS. Next, you will explore routing and persisting models to databases. Once you have the infrastructure in place, the next step is to build a website that can handle CRUD operations. You'll then deploy the app to Vapor Cloud or Heroku. This course will give you a solid understanding of server-side Swift development and Vapor, which will allow you to build your next Swift web app.
