Software Development Fundamentals


Learn Path Description

Would you like to move into a career in software development? This ExpertTrack has been created to provide a broad introduction to software development.

If there’s one certainty about the future, it’s that it will be even more digital than it is now. All of the largest companies will be software companies at their core, like YouTube, Spotify and Uber. Now, banking, retail, education and telehealth are also set to become more digital. This means the demand for software development skills is going to continue to grow. This course is designed for those who want to start a career in software development, as well as those who want to improve their understanding of software development to enhance their job performance. This ExpertTrack will guide you through the foundations of the software development process, so that you’re able to define it, and compare various project management methodologies. You’ll be able to compare Agile and Waterfall frameworks, and understand the benefits and drawbacks of each approach when creating and refining software.

Programming languages like Python, Java, C#, R, and PHP are the building blocks of software development. You’ll learn about the most popular ones and understand the applications and differences between them. You’ll also understand the applications of HTML in programming and CSS styling elements, so that you can begin to build your development vocabulary.

Skills You Will Gain

Courses In This Learning Path


Total Duration

4 weeks





Learn Type


Software Development Fundamentals: Project Management

This course in software development is intended to provide a foundation in key concepts of development to enable you to succeed in your digital technology role.

With a solid skill set and a good understanding of the job, you'll be ready to start a career as a tech- or development professional.

The high-level concepts and terms involved in software development will be explained to you, along with the key features of the software planning process. You will analyse the processes and produce outputs that meet meaningful requirements.

The project management process is an integral part of software development and any career in digital technology. It is the application of processes and principles to plan, manage and implement initiatives within an organization.

This course will teach you how to describe the software development process, compare Agile with Waterfall approaches, and familiarize yourself with common Agile frameworks. A solid understanding of Agile and its advantages will help you prepare for work in most tech companies that rely on it to improve their products.

Additionally, you will explore the planning and requirements gathering processes. This includes the use of personas as well as user stories.

This course will give you a solid understanding of two common project management methods and common approaches for improving user experience.


Total Duration

4 weeks





Learn Type


Software Development Fundamentals: Programming Languages and HTML

It can be difficult to start a career as a software developer. This course will help you understand the language expectations and the processes of software development. This course will cover the most common patterns in software architecture and different programming languages. It also covers basic HTML to help you get started in your career in development. Software architecture is the foundations of any software system and the process of creating them. We'll be looking at the common patterns in software architecture and being introduced to some of the most popular programming languages such as Java and Python.

There are 700 languages available, but you don’t have to know everything about ABAP or Zig to be a successful software developer. This course will discuss the various languages and provide more details on some of the most common, such as JavaScript, Python and C++. These information will assist you in deciding where you want to specialize and what languages you would like to learn more. HTML is the foundation of any career in digital tech. It is the standard markup language for all documents that are intended to be displayed in a web browser. Learn how to use basic HTML elements and tags. Learn about the importance and use of basic HTML elements to create web layouts and wireframes.


Total Duration

4 weeks





Learn Type


Software Development Fundamentals: Web Accessibility and CSS

A solid understanding of web accessibility standards is essential for a career as a software developer. This course covers basic CSS styling elements as well as testing, deployment, and testing practices for applications. You can then start developing projects or add these to your resume.

Learn new skills in CSS and get a clear understanding of its purpose. The theory will be applied to practice exercises that allow you to create basic markup for a prototype.

You can read and create styling elements, which allows you to adjust the rules that determine how HTML is applied to a document. This will allow you to set the layout for a website or an application.

The web accessibility guidelines were created to establish an international standard for web content accessibility. They are intended to meet the needs of governments, organizations, and individuals. We will review the most common web accessibility guidelines and discuss how HTML can be used in meeting them.

It is important to test your application before it is deployed in order to make sure that it works under real-world conditions. Before you put it live, you'll be able to test and deploy the application. This knowledge will be completed with a review on how to maintain an app once it is live using cloud computing practices.
