Team Building and Transformational Leadership: How to Get Ahead in Healthcare Leadership and Management


Learn Path Description

Use transformational leadership and team building to improve health servicesWhat are the principles of leadership and management that will take healthcare organisations into the future – and how can you use them to supercharge your emerging career? This ExpertTrack offers healthcare students the opportunity to critically evaluate leadership and management theories and apply them to their future practice. You’ll have the chance to cover all aspects of leadership styles and management, including personal effectiveness, management of resources, and management of people. You’ll also be able to reflect on your own qualities as an emergent leader or manager and learn how you can create a personal development plan for your own career. Understand the difference between leadership and management Under the guidance of experts at Coventry University, you’ll explore how effective leadership and management go hand in hand, despite their notable differences. You’ll consider whether it’s possible to be a good leader and bad manager, if leaders can be developed, and what the most effective – and ineffective – leadership styles and practices are. Build skills for conflict management and resilience How do you succeed at managing conflict in the workplace, and how can you build the resilience required to do so? This ExpertTrack will help you to examine different methods of conflict management and discover conflict resolution skills and techniques that work, including the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), designed to measure a person’s behaviour in conflict situations. You’ll learn how this powerful tool can help leaders and managers save valuable time and money by observing whether you’re overusing or underusing one or more of five conflict-handling modes. Apply the Myers Briggs test to leadership styles The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI test, is a personality test used to help understand a person’s leadership skills through 16 personality types. You’ll discover how your Myers-Briggs type can impact and improve your leadership style. The test is a widely used tool for coaching leaders that can help managers gain self-awareness, improve emotional intelligence, and better understand how they – and those around them – operate in a workplace. Upon completion of this ExpertTrack, you’ll have had the opportunity to review a range of leadership styles and tools, and be able to reflect on your own leadership capabilities as well as how to best develop them. 

Skills You Will Gain

Courses In This Learning Path


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


Getting Ahead in Health Services: Healthcare Management and Leadership Principles

This self-paced course on leadership and management in the health service industry provides a comprehensive understanding of the tools, techniques, and theories necessary for effective leadership. It explores the differences between leaders and managers and analyzes how they utilize skills and behaviors in global and multicultural contexts. The course also delves into the development of good leaders, the possibility of being both a great leader and a poor manager, and the most effective leadership styles and practices.

The history of leadership theories and models, including contingency, situational, and transformational leadership, is examined to identify and study great leaders throughout history. Additionally, the course highlights how leadership theories have evolved over time and identifies the appropriate behaviors for healthcare professionals.

Culture plays a significant role in shaping leaders' expectations, influencing their approach, required skills, and professional presentation. The course enables students to understand how leadership functions in different countries and its connection to the qualities, skills, and behaviors expected from healthcare leaders.

Overall, this course equips healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively lead and manage in the healthcare industry. It provides a solid foundation in leadership theories while incorporating real-world examples and global perspectives. By completing this course, individuals will enhance their leadership abilities and become better equipped to navigate the challenges of leading in a healthcare setting.


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


You as a Healthcare Leader: Effective Leadership in Health Services

It is important to reflect on your individual strengths

What is the secret to becoming a leader in healthcare? And what tools can you use to get there?

This self-paced leadership course will teach you how to be a more convincing and persuasive leader by focusing on specific methods and resources.

The opportunity will be given to look at models of reflective practice, as well as the importance of engaging with reflective practice and seeking feedback in order to become a lifelong learner.

This course will teach you how to develop and apply emotional intelligence to better guide your coworkers. Learn how to use your personal values, beliefs and qualities in the workplace.

Use the Myers Briggs test to get to know your coworkers.

The MBTI or Myers Briggs test will help you determine which personality types are conducive to good leadership.

The Myers Briggs personality assessment is a powerful tool that can help you understand your personality type and strengths. It is often used to increase performance within organisations and to help leaders become more self-aware.

Through personal development planning, you will learn to understand yourself better and to help you achieve your goals.

Learn the importance of communication in leadership

What are the qualities, beliefs, and values of global healthcare leaders? We'll discuss how our personal values can be used to help us lead better.

We'll discuss how to build emotional intelligence, the role it plays as a leader, how to communicate with impact and what the core values of a leader look like.


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


Modern Leadership Styles: What Makes a Good Leader in Healthcare Management

How can leaders and managers in modern healthcare navigate these priorities?

This self-paced course in healthcare management will help you understand the global challenges that health service managers and leaders face in the 21st Century.

It will help you to be more effective on a global level by analyzing relevant theories, defending your strategies, and displaying certain traits.

How can healthcare leaders prepare for the future?

This course will teach you how to be a leader and manager in a global setting.

This course will allow you to explore the role of leadership in healthcare today, and the fundamental challenges leaders face globally.

To be a better leader, critical analysis is essential. This course will teach you how to analyze different leadership styles and management theories in healthcare.

Additionally, you will learn about the traits of the modern healthcare leader and ask yourself: What are the characteristics of a leader and how can they be applied to my own career?

Leadership careers take years of experience, learning, and skill building. After you have read the theory, it is time to start thinking about your own leadership journey.

The future of healthcare leaders will be examined and you'll reflect on your career.


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


Team Building in Healthcare: How to Manage and Mentor a High Performing Team

Do you want to increase your knowledge and improve your skills in team development and building teams? This self-paced course in team building will help you to develop the skills necessary to manage conflict and lead high-performing teams. Through expert coaching, you'll learn how to engage and communicate with your team to improve their performance. What is it that makes a team productive and high-performing? This course will discuss the various methods that teams that succeed use. As you examine different types of groups and teams, and learn how to coach them to make them stronger and more cohesive, this course will help you. High functioning teams have healthy and constructive conflict. How can you stop it becoming destructive?

You'll learn how you can manage conflict at work. The course will cover conflict management techniques and methods, as well as the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Indicator (TKI). This powerful tool is an important indicator of your ability to manage conflict. This tool will show you if you are using too many or not enough of the five conflict-handling modes (collaborating, competing, compromising and accommodating), or not.


Total Duration

2 weeks





Learn Type


Leadership Training in Healthcare: How to Build Resilience and Personal Development

What key competencies are still needed by the 21st-century leaders? How can you better understand the responsibilities of health service leaders today?

This self-paced leadership course will provide you with everything you need to help you manage your career in healthcare management.

You will learn how to be a better problem solver and make informed decisions. The course will also teach you how to be resilient. You'll also learn the techniques used to create leaders in global healthcare settings such as the NHS.

This course will teach you how to use this knowledge and goal-setting techniques to create your personal development plan. It will help you get your career on the right track.

This course focuses on the importance of creating change in organisations using a holistic, humanistic approach that places people at the center of the process. Learn how organisational approaches can be used to improve your leadership skills in a global setting. You'll also learn how competency-based frameworks can help you improve your leadership skills . This includes risk taking and demonstrating integrity.

High-performing leaders have resilience as a key characteristic. It can help you develop your career and help your organisation thrive.

This course will help you become a resilient leader by teaching you how to manage pressure, adapt to change, and problem solving and decision-making. The course will also discuss how career planning can help you shape your future career.
